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5 Concert Hearing Protection Tips To Know

Hearing damage can be a serious issue, and many musicians who play loud instruments may suffer. This can lead to hearing loss, which can lead to communication problems and other issues. That's why it's so important that musicians use earplugs or other hearing protection devices when they're playing their instruments at gigs. While some people may think it's impossible to get hearing loss from listening to music at home or in your car, many people have experienced this unfortunate side effect. If you want to protect your ears against noise damage when attending these events or just listening to music in general, here are some concert hearing protection tips on how to do so:

Wear Earplugs

There is no better way to wear earplugs when you are at a concert and want to protect your hearing. Many different types of earplugs can be used for this purpose.

Foam earplugs will effectively block all noise while protecting your ears from damage. They have different shapes and sizes that fit different people's ears better than others.

Another type of earplug is silicone, which can be very comfortable but may not block out as much sound as foam ones do because they don't seal off the canal as other options do.

Wear Earmuffs With Noise Canceling Features

Earmuffs are a great way to protect your hearing while at a concert. The best earmuff models have noise canceling features, which will effectively block out the loud music and allow you to enjoy conversation with the people around you.

These earmuffs can be expensive, but they are worth it if you're exposed to loud sounds for more than one hour at a time (usually the case during a typical concert). In addition to being effective in blocking sound, these earmuffs also offer protection from wind and rain. They are easy to use and come with an adjustable headband that allows people of all sizes and shapes to wear them comfortably.

Earmuffs aren't just for concerts; they can also be used for other activities such as hunting or target shooting where noise exposure is likely (or even unavoidable) for long periods.

 Avoid Outer Ear Pain

Avoid outer ear pain by not pushing the earplugs too far into your ear canal. While many concert-goers are tempted to shove the plugs in as far as they will go, this can cause irritation and pain at best, leading to a ruptured eardrum. Instead, gently insert the plugs until they are snug against your skin—this will reduce unpleasant pressure on your eardrum while providing adequate protection from loud music.

Avoiding Cotton Swabs

Cotton swabs (Q-tips) are often used after inserting earplugs to clean out any excess wax buildup that might have occurred as a result of improper use. However, using cotton swabs regularly can damage your eardrum's ability to self-clean itself; rather than using cotton swabs on an ongoing basis (or ever), rinse out any excess wax with warm water from time to time instead!

Don't Stand Next To The Speakers

If you're attending a concert, ensure you don't stand next to the speakers. The speakers are the loudest part of the concert, and they're aimed at the audience. They're not meant for you to stand next to them.

If you decide to stand near them, ensure your ears are protected from their intense sound waves. A pair of earplugs can help protect your hearing during these times and also prevent any damage during quieter moments when it's time for conversations between songs or with other attendees who are also standing nearby.


Concerts are about the music, but they can damage your hearing. You can minimize the risks by using earplugs and earmuffs. That way, you'll still hear everything clearly without hurting yourself when it's time to turn off those amps.

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