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Choosing Cordless Phones For Seniors Who Are Hard Of Hearing

Cordless phones for seniors who are hard of hearing can be a great way to help them stay connected with family and friends. Since they don't need to be near an electrical outlet, they're easier to use than regular phones. And since there's no cord, you won't have to worry about tripping over it. Below we'll go over some things you should keep in mind when purchasing a cordless phone for someone hard of hearing:

Talk To Your Doctor About Your Needs Before Buying A New Phone

Before you begin shopping for a new cordless phone, it's important to speak with your doctor. Your hearing loss may be more severe than you expect, and some options might not be suitable for your needs. A reputable audiologist will be able to recommend the right phone for you based on your specific situation.

Additionally, the doctor can help suggest a compatible phone that will work well with your hearing aid (if you have one). If they don't offer this service themselves or are too busy to do so in-person, they'll likely have some recommendations of specialists who can assist with selecting a device that works well with both devices in tandem.

Finally, if there are any features of this type of technology that would benefit seniors experiencing a hearing loss (such as visual displays or volume controls), then having an expert weigh in can save time when trying to find what's best suited to their specific needs!

Make Sure Your Phone Has The Right Hearing Aid Compatibility

Hearing aid compatibility (HAC), also known as T-coil, telecoil, and T-switch has been available in hearing aids for many years. A simple switch on the back of your phone will activate these features allowing you to use your standard corded or cordless phones with ease. When activated, it allows a registered phone to transmit through a radio frequency directly into the hearing aid itself instead of using sound waves, as is normally done by regular telephones. This means better clarity in both incoming and outgoing calls, and no more background noise from other people talking on their phones in public places such as restaurants or airports!

Choose A Phone With Big Buttons And A Bright Screen

For seniors who are hard of hearing, it's important to choose a phone that has large buttons and a bright screen.

Bigger buttons are easier to use because they offer more surface area for your fingers—this means fewer steps involved in dialing or pressing other functions on the phone. This is especially important if you have arthritis or other physical limitations that make it harder to grip small objects. Large screens are also easier to see by older people with vision problems, so this can be an excellent option if your loved one needs reading glasses or has trouble making out fine details from close-up distances.

Pick A Phone That Has Enhanced Volume Options

When shopping for a cordless phone, look for one that has enhanced volume options. You can also get a phone with a headset if you want to be able to move around while talking on it. Or you could get one with an accessory handset amplifier if your hearing is marginal and you need help boosting the sound of the incoming caller's voice before it reaches your earpiece. And many phones have loud ring tones that will help you hear them over background noise like television or music.


I hope this list of tips and considerations has helped you narrow down your options and make a more informed decision when purchasing a cordless phone. Multi-line cordless phones are often the best option for seniors who are hard of hearing because they allow them to communicate easily with family members without having to constantly pick up the phone while they're busy doing something else. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out!

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