Hearing Health = TOTAL Health
Did you know that hearing healthcare is an important piece of your overall health? Many dismiss the signs of hearing loss early on, associating it unfortunately with the stigma around aging. While hearing loss can certainly become more pronounced later in age, hearing loss in itself is NOT a sign of old age.
Additionally, ignoring the signs of hearing loss can create even greater problems for you. Brain scans show us that hearing loss may contribute to a faster rate of atrophy in the brain, and also contributes to social isolation1.
Within the last several years, many important studies have been conducted that link hearing loss to disabling conditions such as cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease, clinical depression, diabetes, frequent falling, heart disease and many others2.
When put into this perspective, hearing healthcare is much more than the ability to hear - it's a common ailment that has a tremendous impact on your overall health. While hearing loss in itself is not curable, it can be significantly improved with the help of an audiologist. In turn, not only will you be improving your quality of life, but also helping to prevent severe health conditions that could lead to injury or death.
Let's dig into this a little more:
- Social isolation and loneliness: If your hearing loss is impacting your ability to participate fully in conversation, enjoy social events, and feel a part of family gatherings, then you may understand the impact of social isolation and loneliness. In fact, social isolation is a common negative-impact associated with unaddressed hearing loss.
- Depression: Studies have shown a direct correlation between hearing loss and clinical depression. Multiple studies have shown that there is a connection between hearing loss and depression, including the severity (i.e. greater levels of hearing loss is often associated with moderate-to-severe depression).
- Falls: Falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries among seniors, leading to significant health, social, economic and emotional consequences. Falls often lead to fatal outcomes within the first 12 months of a fall injury within the senior population.
- Cardiovascular Disease: In 2009, a study revealed audiometric patterns were strongly correlated with cardiovascular disease. In fact, the researches reported that patients with low-frequency hearing loss should be regarded as "at risk" for cardiovascular events, and appropriate medical referrals should be considered2.
- Diabetes: Researchers reported that hearing impairment was found to be more prevalent among study participants with diabetes.
Roughly 27 million Americans age 50 and older have hearing loss, yet only 1 in 7 uses a hearing aid. Don't let stigma or misconceptions hold you back from living your life to the fullest. Contact your doctor or an audiologist to discuss your options. If you're not ready for hearing aids, or would like to explore alternative with amplified devices, please call us at 800-726-0851.
1. Johns Hopkins Medicine: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/the-hidden-risks-of-hearing-loss
2. The Hearing Review: https://hearingreview.com/hearing-loss/hearing-loss-prevention/risk-factors/hearing-loss-associated-comorbidities-know