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Hearing Loss Prevention Tips: Here's What You Need To Know

While hearing aid technology and treatments continue to advance, hearing loss prevention will always be the best course of action. To avoid taking your hearing for granted, below are seven audiology recommendations you’ll want to follow to protect it.

Avoid Diabetes or Keep it Under Control

If you don’t have diabetes, you’ll want to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle to avoid it. If you do, you’ll need to get it under control, because studies have demonstrated that the chances of developing hearing loss are doubled for individuals with this condition.

Eat Foods Rich in Minerals and Vitamins

While consuming all minerals and vitamins is important, there are several, particularly vitamin B12, magnesium and potassium which play a crucial role in good hearing. Research shows that individuals who develop iron-based deficiency anemia are more likely to lose their hearing, so be sure to include lots of iron in your diet.

Avoid Damaging Noises

This seems obvious, but can be more challenging than it appears. Most people don’t know the exact decibels where hearing will start to become damaged. Still, common environmental sounds which can damage your hearing are fireworks, power tools, yard equipment, airplane engines, and sporting events or concerts. Consider wearing hearing protection when visiting these sites, and those employed in the construction industry should wear hearing protection on a daily basis.

Avoid Certain Pharmaceuticals

This might come as a surprise, but there are hundreds of prescription and over-the-counter medications that have been connected to hearing loss. Many are ototoxic drugs that include basic things like aspirin chemotherapy drugs used for cancer treatment or IV antibiotics. Pay close attention to the side effects associated with the medications you’re using and try to avoid them at all costs if possible, perhaps looking for alternatives instead.

Avoid Vaping or Smoking and Minimize Your Drinking

By this point, the dangers of smoking cigarettes should be well known to everyone, but even if you don’t use them directly, your hearing could still be adversely affected by secondhand smoke. And while vaping has been touted as a “safe” alternative, more information is coming out that highlights its dangers. While alcohol won’t compromise your hearing in small to moderate amounts, being a heavy drinker can produce an environment that is toxic to your ear.

Control Your Blood Pressure

At first glance, it might seem like the connection between high blood pressure and cardiac health is not related to the ear, but you have to remember that the entire human body works as one system, so what happens in one region can affect another.

In the case of high blood pressure, it can harm the fragile mechanism within the ear which allows for hearing, so be sure to get your blood pressure checked and if it’s higher than usual follow your doctor’s recommendations to lower it.

Reduce Your Stress by Exercising

It is a shame most people neglect to exercise regularly because research shows it improves just about everything including the auditory system. The reason is that physical fitness enhances blood flow, and will alleviate stress.
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