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All orders with items in stock will ship the same day that they are received Monday - Friday until 5:00pm EST. All orders placed after 5:00pm EST or on the weekend will ship the following business day. For additional information on our shipping policies, please click here.

We do offer expedited shipping in the forms of both 2-Day and 1-Day. Additional surcharges apply. For additional information on our shipping policies, please click here.

You most certainly can! Orders can be placed by calling 303-794-3928 or 800-726-0851 (toll-free) Monday-Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm MST. Please note that all online promotions, including free shipping, are not available for phone or in-person orders. For more information on placing your order, please

We do accept purchase orders for businesses, schools and government agencies. If you have a purchase order, please email us at or call us at 303-794-3928. If you are a government purchasing agent, please click here.

As soon as your order has shipped, a tracking number will automatically be sent to the email that you used when placing your order. If you have a Shopify (Shop) account, your order tracking information will automatically be available there as well.

Standard shipping for all retail orders over $9.99 placed on is FREE. Expedited shipping is at a calculated surcharge based on the shipping destination.

Yes, we do offer wholesale pricing on our professional website, To request account access, please click here. You may also contact us directly by emailing us at or calling us at 800-726-0851

Returns & Exchanges

We accept returns within 30 days from the original date of purchase. Items must be returned in the condition for which they were received and a Return Authorization number must be obtained from us first. To view and acknowledge our complete return policy, please click HERE!

For assistance with exchanges, please email or give us a call at 800-726-0851

If your order arrives in damaged condition, please reach out to us immediately by calling 800-726-0851. Alternatively, you can send us an email at Please be detailed with your email and provide pictures so as to aid us in submitting a claim with the shipment courier.


We have a blog post on just that topic! Please click HERE to view.

In short, a TTY is a Teletypewriter. We have a complete knowledge page that you can view by clicking HERE.

Yes we do! Please click HERE to request your catalog today!

While we do not offer in-person consultations, we do have the option to speak directly with a product expert who can assist you in finding the product solutions needed. Please call us at 800-726-0851 for more information. If you are with a group and would like to coordinate a training event or group consultation, please email with all of the information and a member of our team will gladly assist.

Yes, all our products come with user manuals which allow you to use your products correctly. Additionally, we have a printed catalog which we can mail to you for FREE by clicking here