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A Guide To The Different Types Of Hearing Loss

While commonly associated with older people, hearing difficulties affect people of all ages. Below is an overview of the different types of hearing loss, what causes it, and how audiology can treat it.

Conductive Hearing Decline

This form of hearing decline occurs within the middle or outer ear. The sound waves wonโ€™t be able to travel fully within oneโ€™s inner ear, and might be blocked by either a foreign object or earwax which is present inside an ear canal. However, oneโ€™s middle ear might also be impacted as a result of infection, bone abnormality or fluid, and the eardrum could be injured.

In some individuals, it might be possible to reverse conductive hearing loss through either surgical or medical intervention. This condition is most prevalent in children, especially those who place foreign objects into their ears or develop chronic ear infections.

Sensorineural Hearing Decline

This form of hearing decline happens when either the hearing nerve or inner ear becomes damaged. It could also be the result of lost hair cells inside the cochlea. Sensorineural hearing decline commonly results from being exposed to loud sounds, aging, disease, injury, or certain medications. It is sometimes inherited genetically, and while currently there are no surgical or medical treatment options that can improve it directly, the usage of hearing aids can be an excellent solution.

When Sensorineural Hearing Decline Occurs Suddenly

While some forms of hearing decline occur gradually, Sensorineural hearing loss can occur suddenly. If this happens, it is crucial to speak with an otologist as soon as possible, as these medical practitioners focus on ear diseases. If treatment is delayed for at least two weeks or more after the symptoms appear, it will greatly decrease the likelihood that medications will be able to resolve it.

Mixed Hearing Loss

This occurs in situations where individuals manifest a mixture of conductive and sensorineural hearing decline. For instance, a patient might start off with sensorineural hearing decline which then progresses into a conductive issue. The best way to determine which type of hearing decline one is experiencing is to perform a hearing test. If it turns out that your hearing issue cannot be resolved with standard medical or surgical operations, hearing aids have become exceptionally advanced and can be purchased in numerous sizes and styles. There are even hearing aid alternatives.

Why Hearing Loss Occurs in Adults

While children usually develop hearing issues as a result or an ear infection or placing objects inside their ear, adults who are aged fifty and above might gradually lose their hearing as a result of changes that are aged related. The exact medical term for this phenomenon is called presbycusis, and those who have it will find it difficult to handle loud noises and interpret what others are saying to them.

Other things which cause adult hearing loss in adults include head injuries, infection, illness, and circulatory issues like high blood pressure, medications, heredity and regular exposure to loud occupational noises like machines or construction work. Research shows that one in five Americans will experience hearing decline during their lifetime, but the good news is that there are more treatment options available than ever before.
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