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How Often Should You Clean Your Hearing Aid

Those who use hearing aids often wonder how frequently they should be cleaned. Ideally, inspecting and cleaning a hearing aid should be done every four to six months under the supervision of an audiologist. Below are some additional things you’ll want to keep in mind.

At Home Maintenance

In between visits to your audiologist, you’ll want to wipe down your hearing aid each night prior to placing them inside a case before going to bed. There are also cleaning kits you’ll want to buy and use every one to two weeks. These kits are designed to ensure that the hearing aid remains clean while ensuring its longevity.

When visiting an audiologist they will take a look at the devices, and if necessary will replace some components. They will also listen to your hearing device to determine if misbehavior is present that has to be remedied, like background static or weakened output. A misbehaving hearing aid might have to be shipped back to the manufacturer where it can be reprogrammed or repaired.

When You Should Visit the Audiologist

Aside from regularly scheduled visits, you’ll also want to return to your audiologist sooner if you’re having problems hearing with your devices, or if they seem broken or faulty. They might just need to be adjusted, or it’s possible that a full replacement might be in order.

Hearing Aid Cleaning Tips

The method used to clean your hearing aid will depend on the type of model you have. They come in two types, which are ITE (inside the ear) aids and BTE (behind the ear) aids:

ITE (Inside the ear)

For these devices, you want to concentrate on cleaning their opening, which includes their microphone port. Do this by applying a toothbrush with a soft bristle or one distributed by your audiologist for clearing away the earwax. Hold your device with its opening facing downward that way any particles which are loose will fall out during cleaning rather than remaining lodged inside. Next, utilize a hook or wax pick to remove anything that didn’t fall from the holes when you used the brush. Then finish up by wiping away the whole device using a tissue or cloth which is dry and clean.

BTE (behind the ear)

To clean these types of hearing aids, you’ll want to begin by reviewing the device to see how much debris is present, and then remove it using a cloth. Since BTE hearing aids usually come with earmolds, you’ll need to extract them so they too can be cleaned. If they are designed from a softer material, they might become stained or discolored as time passes. However, wiping them down daily or submerging them within water that is warm and soapy once a week can help. The molds should be left out so they can dry overnight.

Under no circumstances should you apply chemicals or alcohol to the earmolds. Also keep in mind that while it is normal for the earmolds to gain a small odor as time passes, a stronger scent could be an indication of an ear infection, so contact your physician just to be sure.
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